Nuchal translucency (NT) is the sonographic appearance of a collection of fluid under the skin behind the fetal neck in the first trimester of pregnancy. The term translucency is used, irrespective of whether it is septated or not and whether it is confined to the neck or envelopes the whole fetus. In fetuses with chromosomal abnormalities, cardiac defects, and many genetic syndromes the NT thickness is increased. Screening by NT can detect about 80% of fetuses with trisomy 21 and other major aneuploidies for a false positive rate of 5%. The combination of NT and maternal serum free β-hCG and PAPP-A improves the detection to 90%. There is now evidence that the detection rate can increase to about 95% and the false positive rate can be reduced to 3% by also examining the nasal bone, ductus venous flow, and tricuspid flow. The date and time of the scan should always be clearly visible on each submitted image. If possible, please also include the name of your hospital. Cases older than the last audit will not be accepted.
For more details please contact us at 8285108065.
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